office employees

Strategies for Employee Feedback


Employee feedback can be scary. Part of the reason is the stigma that comes with negative comments. Many people think they’re not worthy of the position, or they’re a liability to the business.

Feedback can also carry many uncertainties. “Is it going to be positive or negative?” “If it’s negative, what are they planning to do with me?” To help business leaders and companies implement feedback better and allay fears, here are four ideas they can apply:

1. Conduct 360-degree Feedback

Usually, feedback is a one-way street. It’s only the managers, supervisors, or business owners who evaluate. Perhaps management can apply 360-degree feedback to collect more data for assessment. In 360-degree feedback, anyone who interacts with one another can evaluate. For example, employees can now assess the performance of their leaders.

Reviewing the work of their heads, however, can be daunting for some employees. It can help then if companies offer other methods of evaluation. One of these is conducting a survey online. It can increase anonymity and encourage more people to participate.

2. Perform an Evaluation Often

Office Vibe research revealed that 65% of the employees want to receive feedback often. The question is, what’s the best interval? In a study by PricewaterCooperhouse, about 60% want to hear it weekly or daily. Everyday feedback can benefit new hires, who are still learning the ropes. It can help them avoid committing mistakes early.

Weekly feedback is also possible, but it need not be comprehensive. Heads can focus on significant achievements and challenges of the employees over the last five to six days. They can conduct a more thorough performance review every three or six months. They can also limit 360-degree feedback once a year due to the amount of data they need to organize.

3. Make It Personal

Despite the fear, many employees might want to receive feedback personally. In a survey by Joblist, over 40% want to hear the results in a private or face-to-face discussion. Only 14% like to read it in their email, while 19.8% said they prefer to get regular feedback through informal meetings. The report didn’t discuss the reasons workers want a more private discussion. However, it could be because this setup allows business leaders to coach or mentor on the spot.

Face-to-face meetings can also increase two-way conversations. It gives employees the chance to answer and ask questions, share their opinion, and suggest how to improve their performance. Business leaders can also develop better ideas to support their employees. These conversations foster engagement and collaboration, according to Gallup.

4. Provide Unbiased and Constructive Feedback


Not all kinds of feedback work. Others can be hurtful enough to reduce engagement among employees or even drive them away. In a 2019 people management report, over 80% said they would consider resigning if they believed the review was unfair. More than half of them admitted they would highly likely leave.

What makes unbiased and constructive feedback? Office Vibe data showed that employees are 30 times more likely to be engaged when the performance review mentions their strengths. Weekly or daily feedback need not be long or complicated. For many employees, a thank you or recognition of their achievement is enough.

Many employees can rise above their fear if it means they can improve at their job. Joblist revealed that 64.5% of millennials want to receive feedback and use the advice. As long as it’s immediate and constructive, performance review can help build an excellent team.

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