HR interview

Get Hired amid a Pandemic with These Strategies


Since the pandemic hit the world in March, millions of Americans have lost their jobs. Recent college graduates have been sidelined, while the rest of the job seekers have to double their efforts to get hired. Many employers are still hiring, but it’s a tight labor market. If you’re on the hunt for a job amid a pandemic, you have to compete with millions of other job seekers and might not get multiple offers.

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the job market drastically. But there’s hope. Today, we’ve rounded up some of the best ways to get your foot in the door and stand out among many applicants.

Go where the jobs are

If you are a recent graduate or a young professional who hasn’t committed to a particular industry, it’s time to be flexible. Assess your skill set and see whether you can join the healthcare, retail, logistics, or knowledge industry. Such industries have managed to stay afloat and even thrive amid a pandemic.

For instance, if you’re great at writing, marketing, or research, consider getting a job in one of the knowledge sectors—the digital marketing industry. With more brands shifting online this pandemic and since jobs in digital marketing can be done remotely, expect tons of opportunities in this industry.

Explore your connections

It’s now a great time to catch up with your past coworkers or bosses. Amid a global health and economic crisis, people are more willing to be helpful. Who knows, you could get a job at your former boss’ startup.

Maximize the platform LinkedIn to build and explore your network. Not all recruiters post openings on job portals; some have cut their hiring expenses and relied on online connections to source candidates. Update your CV and profile and see if your former colleagues can connect you to a recruiter on LinkedIn.

Prepare for video interviews

man working from home

If you get a virtual interview, take the time to prepare for it. Test your internet connection, framing, background, outfit, and even your opening spiel with a friend first. Ask them whether you look presentable or if your connection breaks up. From their feedback, adjust your technology, outfit, and approach to video interviews. Virtual interviews can be more nerve-wracking than face-to-face since you can’t see non-verbal cues, and the technology can be a hindrance. Still, do as much as you can to prepare.

Continue learning

On the other hand, if you fail to get interviews or job offers, don’t lose hope. You can even use this downtime to develop more connections, learn more, and build new skills. Say, you’re an educator. Perhaps, you can enroll in summer psychotherapy training courses, so you can also work as a guidance counselor. If you can’t go back yet to the construction or manufacturing industry, try your hand at other sectors. Start with online classes to learn how to code, design games or apps, or build a website.

Times are tough. But with dedication and the right strategy to work around a competitive hiring landscape, you can land a decent job soon, start a new or continue a career, and endure the rest of the pandemic.

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