
Facts To Know Before Applying to Skillsfuture Funded Courses


• Eligibility requirements for Skillsfuture funded courses include age, prior qualifications, and current employment status.

• Courses are categorized into Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels, depending on the technical knowledge and expertise required.

• Applicants can receive up to 90% of the course fees or $500 per course, whichever is lower.

• Applications must be submitted no later than one month before the start date of each qualifying course cycle.

• Applications are made through mySkillsFuture Portal, where you must submit the necessary documents.

Are you looking for ways to upgrade your skills and knowledge without breaking the bank? Then applying for Skillsfuture funded courses is a great option worth exploring. There are a few key points you should know before applying, so read on to learn more about facts that will give you a better understanding of the Skillsfuture funding process:

What Courses are Eligible?

The first thing to know is that not all courses are eligible for Skillsfuture funding. To be eligible for Skillsfuture funding, the course must be offered by an approved training provider and pre-approved by Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG). SSG also has specific eligibility requirements regarding age, prior qualifications, and current employment status. Skillsfuture funded courses allow you to work, learn, and earn at the same time. They are generally categorized into three proficiency levels. Here’s what you need to know about them:

Basic Level

This course is suitable for those new to the subject, as it covers fundamental concepts and applications. Learners will have the opportunity to test their knowledge with assignments, quizzes, and projects that allow them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the material.

Intermediate Level

This course is designed for individuals with a fundamental knowledge of the topic. It provides topics that delve into more detailed and intricate areas to ensure those participating can advance their comprehension and skillset in this subject area.

Advanced Level

This course is tailored to seasoned professionals seeking to hone their expertise in a particular specialized field. This tackles intricate and specialized topics, providing the perfect opportunity for individuals who want to become a master of their craft.

How Much Funding Can I Receive?


Depending on the type of course and available funds, applicants can receive up to 90% of the course fees or $500 per course, whichever is lower. This means that if the total cost of the course is less than $500, then applicants can receive up to 90% of the cost. However, if the course cost is more than $500, applicants will receive only $500 in total as their subsidy amount.

Do I Have to Pay Upfront?

When applying for a SkillsFuture-funded course, your payment will typically come in two parts. Firstly, an upfront fee that covers administrative costs. Secondly, a deferred fee that covers tuition fees and any other related expenses such as materials or equipment hire. You will usually pay this deferred fee after completing your course or at specified intervals during your studies, depending on what your chosen training provider requires from you.

Is there an Application Deadline?

Applications must be submitted no later than one month before the start date of each qualifying course cycle (usually around four months before commencement). It’s important to note that while applications may be accepted past this deadline, they may not always be approved due to limited resources and the availability of funds at any given time. So you must get your application in early!

How do I Apply?

Applications can be made online through mySkillsFuture Portal. Simply log into your account and search for “SkillsFuture Credit” under “My Courses” tab. Here, you’ll find all the information needed to make an informed decision about whether or not this route is suitable for you and how much funding could be available if successful! The documents you need to submit can vary but typically include the following:


This is a document that is required to confirm your identity and eligibility for the course. This can be in the form of a copy of your NRIC or FIN.

Pre-requisite qualifications


Depending on the course you are applying for, you may need to show evidence of prior qualifications or experience in order to be able to take part in the program.

Proof of employment (if applicable)

In some cases, you may need to provide proof of current employment in order to be eligible for the program. This could be in the form of a payslip or an employer’s statement confirming your status as a full-time employee.

Applying for Skillsfuture funded courses is a great way to upgrade your skills and knowledge without breaking the bank. With an understanding of what’s eligible, how much funding you can receive, when you need to pay up-front and application deadlines, it’s now easier than ever before to apply for these courses online through mySkillsFuture Portal. Whether you are new or have prior qualifications in the field that you wish to pursue further education in, there is something here for everyone! So take advantage of this opportunity today – after all, no one knows better than yourself which course best suits your needs and goals.

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