Sexology vs. Sex Therapy Finding the Right Professional for Your Sexual Health Needs


Sexual health is an important part of overall well-being, but navigating concerns in this area can feel confusing. If you’re considering seeking professional help, you might wonder: what’s the difference between a sexologist and a sex therapist?

Sexologists act as educators and sexual health experts. They can provide information and resources, address basic concerns, and help people explore and understand their sexuality. Think of a sexologist like a sexual health coach – they’ll equip you with knowledge and tools to improve your sexual satisfaction.

Sex therapists, on the other hand, delve deeper. They are mental health professionals with additional training in sexology.

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This allows them to address sexual problems and dysfunctions that may have underlying emotional or psychological causes. Sex therapists can use therapeutic techniques to help individuals and couples overcome these challenges and improve their sexual experiences.

Choosing the Right Professional

So, which professional is right for you? Here’s a simple guideline:

  • If you’re looking for general sexual health information, education, or guidance on exploring your sexuality, a sexologist might be a good fit.
  • If you’re experiencing sexual problems, difficulties, or dysfunctions, or suspect there might be deeper emotional or psychological factors at play, then sex therapy is likely the better option.

Seeking Help Shouldn’t Be Shameful

Regardless of your needs, remember that seeking professional help for sexual concerns is nothing to be embarrassed about. Qualified sexologists and sex therapists can provide a safe, judgment-free space to discuss your concerns and develop a personalized plan to reach your sexual health goals.

Finding a Qualified Professional

Many resources can help you find a qualified professional. The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) is a good starting point. They offer a searchable directory of professionals by location and area of expertise.

By understanding the differences between sexology and sex therapy, you can make an informed decision about the best path to improve your sexual health and well-being.


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